With an electrifying personality filled with positivity and enthusiasm, Toni Lewis is an RCI Trainer on the Gold Coast who takes an incredible amount of care to learn and gain insights from all areas of the business. She leverages this knowledge to deliver the highest quality training possible
I’m excited to spend time with you today, Toni! I like to go off script, if that’s ok?
I thought you would. *laughs*
First tell me something about yourself that nobody knows in the office.
I love sports. Growing up I was active in a lot of sports. My senior of high school I received the Pierre de Coubertin award, for participating in multiple sports at a high level.
What was your favorite sport?
Tennis, I have played a lot of tennis. I also like touch football and swimming.
So you still play tennis?
No, I used to play 6-7 days a week. One day when I was about 16 years old, after playing tennis all weekend long and missing out on the fun that my family had been having while they were out water-skiing, my dad said to me, “You know, you don’t have to keep doing this if you don’t want to.” So I said “Ok, I won’t,” and ended up never playing tennis again.
Do you like water-skiing now?
No. Actually, I now go to the gym every day to stay mentally and physically fit.
Tomorrow you become CEO of RCI, what is your first decision?
My first decision would be to upgrade all of our equipment, especially our network. Our network is very slow to download files, it interrupts our call quality. I make regular computer downloads for team members and it causes network congestion and phone delays.
That’s good feedback. I will make a note about this, it must be frustrating.
If I asked your colleagues to describe you in three words, what would they say?
I actually did ask the team, and they said that I am efficient, passionate, and approachable.
What is your favorite hobby when you aren’t at the office?
Spending time with my kids, definitely. Besides my kids, I enjoy exercise. I love high-intensity workouts!
Where is your dream vacation?
I was with RCI 10 years ago and was lucky enough to win Top Guide a couple of times. I went to South Africa on one of those occasions; I would love to take my kids back there. I think it is an incredible place and to share that experience with my family would be awesome.
The next time that you visit, you should take them to the game lodge at Kruger Park.
Yes, that would be awesome!
How old are your kids?
If you were stranded on a desert island, what would you take with you?
And other than your family?
Survival would kick in, I would take water.
If you could have dinner with one celebrity, who would it be?
Roger Federer, for his passion for the game. He is amazing in his execution.
Yes, he is! He is a real gentleman, a good sportsman, and he has experienced the lows as well as the highs.
If you could select one song as your life’s theme, what would it be?
I actually asked the team to help me out with this one, and without hesitation they suggested “I did it my way” by Frank Sinatra. *laughs*
No kidding, that’s nice — I love it! You are very family-oriented. Do you mind telling us about your family?
Dave and I have been together for 20 years. We have two children, Cooper is 11 and Milli is seven. Cooper is a keen soccer player and Milli is a very strong-willed little girl.
I know that during your time with RCI, at one point you left and fortunately for us, you came back. What has been your greatest learning?
Passion and hard work drives results. I am very passionate about RCI.
How do you transmit this passion and hard work to your kids?
Leading by example is a big thing, and actions always speak louder than words.
What does success mean to you?
A positive legacy, definitely.
That’s nice, I like this answer. Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?
Happy. Dave and I build and sell homes, so I would like to continue doing this and perhaps even grow what we are doing now. As far as RCI is concerned, I think I would like to spend more time with the analytical side of the business, and most importantly, I would like to still be here making a difference. I really hope that I breathe energy into everyone within the business — I get a lot of enjoyment from that.
If you had to start from scratch, what would you do differently in your life?
Not give up tennis. *laughs*
Do you think that you would have played competitively?
I worked hard and did quite well, so who knows.
Do you have any questions for me?
Have you enjoyed your time here?
Yes, I love the culture! Often when I am asked about my favorite place in the world, I share that it is Australia. I love the spirit of the people and the entrepreneurial mind-set. I know that some days there are challenges due to regulations, but I believe that the country is still building itself up. Unfortunately, many countries don’t have the ability to evolve like Australia is doing. When you visit after some time, you know that it will be the same in terms of Mother Nature, values, cleanliness, and safety, but there are so many aspects of the country that will have exciting changes. It’s what I call the pioneers’ mind-set, and I love that. When I am in Australia I often feel disconnected, but in a really good way. It is refreshing to have that break.
Can you tell me about your family?
Sure! I have three kids.
Mickael is 29 and is working in hospitality; Alicia is 27 and she works in intelligence in Washington D.C., and Kelian is 20 and is studying hospitality. So far in their life journeys, they have copied daddy, and I am very proud of them. I have great kids with great values, and we have a great time together. We speak to each other often, which is so nice.
Do they live far from you?
Mickael is a three hour drive away, Alicia lives a couple hours away by flight and Kelian has just moved back to Florida. I am a very spoiled and happy daddy.
Toni and I connected instantly over the joy that our loved ones have brought to our lives. And, she definitely brings an extra boost of excitement in everything that she does. Spending time with her felt very familiar, because like so many of you, she really is incredibly passionate about making a difference at RCI every single day. I continue to be impressed and inspired by this. Thank you Toni, for being such a strong contributor and bringing a bright ray of light to our RCI family!