Hailey is a go-getter who is customer obsessed and has consistently gone above and beyond with our members and is passionate about helping them experience memories that last a lifetime. I hope you enjoy getting to know her as much as I did.
Great to see you Hailey. Tell me something about you that no one knows? A gift or talent?
Well I was a lifeguard in college for a couple of years, and I saved a little boy.
Wow! You saved a little boy. He was drowning in a lake or pool?
It was a man-made lake.
That is amazing. Glad you were there.
So you become the President/CEO of RCI, what’s your first decision and why?
There are a couple of things, but the first is that I would work on updating the website. Everyone is on their phones, wanting to do things instantly like book vacations. When I was a guide there were always members calling in who could not find what they needed on the websites or it was too complicated, so we need to make it more user-friendly. A lot of our revenue is generated on the website so the more user-friendly we can make it, the more successful we can be on the website. Plus, I think it’s huge for this generation.
Great. If I were to ask your colleagues to describe you in three words. What would those 3 words be?
Competitive for sure, I always like to win.
Are you only competitive at work or in general?
No, I am in most things. I grew up playing sports so I like to push myself to be the best version of myself and win with my teammates. Another word I would say is personable. I can communicate and talk to anyone. The third one would be hard-working.
What kind of sport(s) did you do when you were younger?
I did a lot of them, but my main one was tennis then volleyball. I was a cheerleader, and also played softball and basketball.
What kind of sports are you involved in now?
Now I golf in the summer, and play tennis from time to time. I also go to the gym to workout.
I understand that you were hired just out of college, and this is your first job. What do you like most about your job and about the company?
The people, I love the people. Everyone is wonderful. You can talk to anybody and they are willing to help out with anything. I think that’s huge. A part of me will always love being a guide. I loved talking to members and booking vacations. I was successful at it, and it really was fun for me. Now that I’m in marketing, I get to communicate with members in a different way. I do it through email and get to maintain that contact.
What has been your most memorable moment at RCI?
There have been so many. The most memorable was when I was 5 months in to my job as a vacation guide. One day I was on the phone with a member when Nate Harmon, a Call Center Manager at the time, said “Hailey we need to talk to you after this call.” I’m a rule follower so I was a bit nervous because maybe I had done something wrong. It actually turns out that I won a trip, it was a cruise!
Speaking of trip, tell me about your experience in Singapore. You were selected for the Global Guide Exchange Program and stayed 6 weeks there, was it your first trip to Asia? And, what was the most unexpected experience (culture, weather, food)?
It was so humid. I was prepared for warm weather but as soon as you step outside it takes your breath away. Actually Izzy (Izyanty Asmary), she was the first associate selected for Coffee & Selfie that you interviewed, was my mentor. The people are wonderful of course. I loved all of the food. The craziest thing I ate was balut, a fertilized duck egg. I also ate frog legs and all different types of food that you never think you would eat.
And, what did you like the most in Singapore?
I really liked working in the RCI office. The travel was fun and building the relationships was great but seeing our company in a completely different country and observing their culture is something you can’t explain. It was pretty amazing. Listening to the phone calls and how they interact with members, what different twists they have to engage with them, was really fun to learn about.
If you did not work for RCI what would you be doing?
I love helping people so I would be a teacher because I also love kids. I was a cadet teacher when I was in high school.
Let’s talk a bit about giving back. I know that you are very active in humanitarian activities and enjoy giving back. Why this need to help others?
I think growing up I knew that I was fortunate. I had a loving family, a home, and many other things including the ability to play all of the sports that I enjoyed, but I knew others in my community didn’t have that. As I got older this became more important to me – to give back to the less fortunate.
And what about hobbies? You mentioned tennis and golf, any other hobbies?
I love to sing. I’m not a good singer, but I love to sing anyway and in the car.
Oh you like to sing? So since you were in Singapore, did you karaoke?
Oh wow, you have to go. This is a huge hobby in Asia!
I do love karaoke. We did it this past holiday season with my family, and I was the first one to start.
So if you could live in any other part of the world, where would you live?
Even though I have never been to Europe, this is next on my bucket list.
We have to send you to our office in Cork.
Where would you recommend that I visit?
With what I have heard in getting to know you, right now I would say Italy.
My fiancé is Italian so that would be a great place.
Because in my experience, in Italy, people are extroverted. They like to enjoy life, they are very thankful, the food is amazing, and family is important. And of course, this would be a great trip since your fiancé is Italian.
Tell me about your fiancé. Does he golf and do you go with him sometimes?
Yes I do but he enjoys it more than me and is really good. He golfs every day, and is probably a scratch golfer.
What is your personal motto?
Never give up and always believe in yourself. If I fail the first time, I don’t give up there but try harder next time.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Because I like to be good at what I do, I am still so new at marketing that I want to make sure I’m good at that before I jump to the next level. However, I do see myself in a leadership role at RCI.
That’s good. Do you happen to have any questions for me?
Yes I do. When you were a little boy you probably didn’t think that you would be President of a company one day so what did you want to do when you were little?
I took my first cooking class at 9, at 14 I was taking classes weekly and wanted to be a chef, but quickly I realized that being a chef was an insane career, with long hours and high intensity. When I turned 16 or 17 I told my parents I didn’t want to be a chef anymore but now wanted to work in hospitality. Nobody in my family was doing this. So my parents told me that I must get my high school diploma first, go to college then you can do whatever you want. Today, I am still very passionate about cooking.
That’s really great. Where is your favorite place that you have traveled to? And how many countries have you visited?
Vacationing with my family. We love skiing in Park City. We go every year. The rule is very simple - you can’t say no, you have to say yes to everything. Just enjoy life and the snow. For relaxation, I like the Maldives and Tahiti, and overall I love Australia. I love the spirit over there. I’ve been to 106 countries, and my last two that I have visited were Iraq and Pakistan. But getting back to you, what’s your next vacation?
Florida. I am going to St. Pete and Destin. My honeymoon is later this year so I’m going to Dominican Republic.
Wow, congratulations! When is the wedding?
It was an incredible visit with Hailey and getting to know more about what drives her, and everyone that knows her had so many compliments about who she is as a teammate. Time and time again it was shared that she is dedicated, passionate and full of energy. I am grateful to have witnessed this myself. Hailey has a bright future ahead at RCI. Thank you for sharing your journey with us Hailey, and we look forward to seeing what’s next for you!