Amy Yuile has integrated her love of travel and experiencing new places, culture, and people, into the amazing work that she does at DAE. Her impact can be felt throughout every function of the business as she helps guide the local teams as office administrator.
I was amazed by what I learned about you and your travels. Where was your last trip?
South America. We went to the Galápagos Islands, Inca trail, then Rio. We had a layover in Africa, then went to England to visit my boyfriend’s family. Then we went skiing in Italy, then Bali, and then home. We were away for six weeks, it was crazy and amazing!
Wow that’s amazing. Where are you going next?
What are your top two dream vacation spots?
I really want to go to India. The other is a hard one, but I think I’d like to go to South Africa.
You really have a passion for traveling.
Yes, I’ve always had a passion for traveling.
That’s great. Can you share something about you that nobody knows?
I’m a pretty open book, but I used to sell cosmetic surgery as a profession in Thailand. I once was able to travel there and watch a surgery in person for seven hours.
Interesting. How was it and would you ever become a licensed surgeon?
It was very interesting, and not at all graphic like you would think. It was actually very professional and clinical. It was amazing to see, but I don’t think I could ever become a surgeon.
I understand that completely, me neither. So, let’s say you become CEO tomorrow, what is the first thing that you would do?
I always read all of your communications, and it’s funny because the first thing I would do is now being implemented. Had you asked me two months ago, I would have said that I would implement a project team dedicated to looking at how we can build better systems and streamline processes, so there is less manual handling and paper wasting, and more time focusing on the customer. This is now happening with Spark Collective, so that’s exciting!
And if I ask your colleagues to give me three words to describe you, what would they say?
That I am bubbly and easy to chat with, and then I think they would say that I get things done — efficient. I also think they would say I am enthusiastic.
What is something you’ve learned since joining us?
The broad range of what I do unfortunately doesn’t involve much face time with our members. For me, watching everyone interact with our members, and the time and consideration that they take, has taught me to be more patient, and give a bit more attention to detail in all aspects of my life. Our team really is so enthusiastic and understanding throughout all of their member interactions — it’s great to see!
If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, who would it be?
I would choose Barack Obama, I think he is an amazing man. You can tell that he is a genuine person, and I don’t believe that he would have an ego or make anyone feel intimated to sit down and visit with him.
You know I think I would choose Michelle Obama. She is fascinating, but both are great options! So you find yourself on a deserted island for one year and you can only take one thing or person with you, what or who would that be?
I would take my boyfriend and my dog.
But you can only take just one.
Then I would take my dog! *laughs*
Tell me about your family. Do you have any siblings?
Yes I do. I have a brother and sister, mom and dad. I have two nieces, one is 17 and one is 12.
And of course, you have your dog. What’s his name and how old is he?
My dog’s name is Bully, and he is 10 but still acts like a puppy. He’s a JUG — jack russell cross pug. He looks like a big pug. He was actually in your 2-min Update.
Oh really? That’s great.
Yes, he was the one with the hat on. It was cool to see him in the update, I showed it to him. I always read the 2-min Updates because they are really informative for all of the exciting changes, especially since I am so new to the company.
If you could do anything differently in life, what would you change?
I would do it the same. I am really happy with my life.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
I would love to be in management position at DAE.
What are your hobbies and what do you do on the weekends?
We take the dog out. We are always out on the water paddle boarding. We go to the gym, I love boxing.
Fun activities, so you like boxing and paddle boarding? Do you do these with your boyfriend?
Yes, but he’s not very good. He falls off the paddle board all of the time, but he is very sweet and still goes with me.
That’s so good that you guys enjoy the activity together. Do you have any questions for me?
Yes I do. You travel so much and meet so many people, who is the most interesting person that you have met?
Kevin Costner. He was amazing.
Really? He seems so serious, was he?
He has charisma that I have rarely seen in my life. When he enters a room, you know his presence. He shines just like the sun. In my previous life he stayed at one of my hotels so I was able to spend some time with him. It was interesting. He is very humble and down to earth. Other than that, the most interesting people in my life are my family and my parents.
Wow. What excites you most about DAE as a brand?
The potential. DAE is like RCI, we don’t own any assets, we don’t own hotels or resorts or airline companies. It is people driven. The value of DAE is the people. The people amaze me. You mentioned the patience and passion of the guides, and that is us. That’s RCI and DAE! That is our DNA, and there is no limit to what we can do.
It’s an exciting time for all of us! What is a quality that you look for in your senior leaders?
Throughout my career I have learned the real value of hiring strong leaders. I have no fear, and in fact really embrace, hiring someone stronger than me because they push me to be better. I am always looking for leaders who have skills that I don’t have. I always learn so much from others. When you are a leader, you need to put yourself in a position where you learn as much as you receive. I don’t believe in building walls around you where you can never learn from others.
That is really great, thank you for sharing.
I was impressed by the depth of understanding for our business that Amy has already achieved, and it was clear to me why the local team praises her for her positive energy and winning attitude that she brings to work each day. Amy is a real asset, and we are grateful for her contributions!