What is one Asian person that has positively impacted/inspired you in your career, and what’s one lesson they taught you?
My dad… he was my role model and inspired me in my career. He taught and instilled in me the importance of always learning and to have a hunger for education. He believed that whenever you speak on a topic, you should be an expert in that topic and be able to speak as source of authority; learn everything that you can so that you can add value as a subject matter expert.
Describe one or more characteristics about yourself that you believe led to your success
I’ve been told that I’m very “likeable.” I am very extroverted and an overall positive person. I always have a smile on my face and try to put myself out there. In my previous answer, I mentioned the importance of learning. Just as critical to being knowledgeable is also being approachable and growing your personal network. Not to be cliché, but as the saying goes, it’s not just what you know but who you know that could give you that next jump in your career.
From your perspective what would you advise a young Asian person who is just entering their professional career? What would you like them to know?
I would want them to know that the only limitation in their career growth is the one that they impose on themselves. Be open to new opportunities, be hungry, take risks, and don’t be afraid to make a mistake. You will make a mistake at some point in your career, make it early, learn from it, and continue to grow.
How do you support or connect with other Asian people in your community?
Describe something meaningful to you, with regards to your heritage
My heritage is something that I treasure. Family is something that is super important to me. Over the last few years, my brother and I have been researching about our family ancestry. We want to learn more about what it means to be from Taishan and Guangdong, China. Most recently, my brother and I found my grandfather’s dog tags. After he immigrated to the US, he was drafted to serve in the US Army during World War II.
What do you like to do in your free time?
I have a passion for travel, photography, food, and being outdoors. I will take any excuse to get on a plane or hop in my car to explore a new destination. My most recent passport, has 57 visas/stamps in it and I want to collect them all! Outside of working at Travel + Leisure, I also run a photography business. I shoot runway fashion and sports. My fashion work has appeared in top fashion publications (e.g. Vogue, Marie Claire, and Elle). This August, I will be going to Japan to cover the summer Paralympics games as part of the media team for Wounded Warrior and the Wheelchair Sports Federation.